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True love - the desire to help others to be who they really are.

Herz Trennlinie

Mein Baby hat einen angeborenen Herzfehler (AHF)

Herzkinder AHF01

Du willst nicht glauben, was dein Arzt gerade gesagt hat. Mit besorgter Miene wiederholt der Arzt die Worte:
„Ihr Kind hat einen angeborenen Herzfehler.“
Dann hörst nicht mehr zu. Einen Moment später bricht deine Welt zusammen. So beschreiben viele Eltern den Augenblick, als sie vom angeborenen Herzfehler ihres Kindes erfuhren. Nach anfänglichen Gefühlen von Panik, Wut und Angst willst du aber nicht die Augen vor der Realität verschließen. Jetzt willst du alles über angeborene Herzfehler wissen und wie man damit umgeht.

Sich über den Herzfehler zu informieren, kann dir die Angst nehmen.
Auch dass du mit dem Problem nicht allein bist, hilft enorm!

Herz Trennlinie

One in every 100 babies in the world is born with a heart defect.

As sad as it is: Every year, about 700 babies in Austria are born with heart anomalies

Each year, that is one tiny struggling heart too many. Two thirds of children with heart defects have no chance of a happy childhood without the necessary surgery. This leaves many parents feeling helpless, overwhelmed and on the brink of despair. Heart parents need all kinds of support and many helping hands.

Herzkinder AHF2

Herz Trennlinie

Types of heart defects

Herzkinder AHF3

Heart anomalies can sometimes be linked to risk factors such as the mother having a viral infection, drug use during pregnancy or the mother suffering from serious illnesses during pregnancy. 

However, for most babies, there is no obvious or known cause of their heart condition.

Anatomically, CHD can take the following forms:

    Herz Trennlinie
  • A hole in the ventricular septum, the wall of tissue separating the right and left ventricle (heart chamber). This causes a shunt, which is a biological or artificial passage between the systemic and pulmonary circulation (left and right ventricle), pumping blood through the body and lungs respectively.
  • Herz Trennlinie
  • The valves and the arteries are narrower than normal (stenosis)
  • Herz Trennlinie
  • The main arteries, a ventricle or the heart itself are in the wrong position (malposition) or have swapped positions (transposition)
  • Herz Trennlinie
  • The ventricles or arteries are underdeveloped, they are too small or missing

Symptoms depend on the type and severity of the heart defect. Some of the most common symptoms are:

    Herz Trennlinie
  • Tiredness and fatigue (for example, the baby sweats a lot or gets tired when feeding, poor weight gain)
  • Herz Trennlinie
  • A blue tinge to the skin and mucous membranes (cyanosis)
  • Herz Trennlinie
  • Irregular heartbeat, difficulty breathing, enlarged liver, delayed growth

Some heart defects cause no or only mild problems.

Some symptoms may only present later in life as the child grows up.

Herz Trennlinie

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